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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Update to Sunday’s Article on Megan Rondini - Donald V. Watkins


Update to Sunday's Article on Megan Rondini
By Donald V. Watkins
©Copyrighted and Published (via Facebook) on July 26, 2017
After I posted my article Sunday title, "Was Megan Rondini's Accused Rapist Tied To The Underworld Of "Date Rape" Drugs And Sexual Abuse In Tuscaloosa?", I received several requests to post a photo of the Wes Powell referenced in the article. Apparently, there are several individuals named Wes Powell in the Tuscaloosa area. A photo of the Wes Powell referenced in our article appears below.

Brett Davis answered our article with a new profile photo on his Facebook page in which Stefan Swindoll (left) salutes our readers with his middle finger. This photo also appears below.

We are continuing to work on our next wave of articles in the Megan Rondini series of investigative reports. We thank our readers for the many tips and credible leads we have received since the publication of Sunday's article.

Finally, a major international news organization is working in Tuscaloosa this week on a feature story about Megan Rondini's rape case.

Stay tuned.

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