" As an activist .. My aim is to right the many wrongs by shining light on darkness ..
creating a social/and or political change."
It was Christmas morning and I emailed my friend Mike Huckabee and wished he and Janet a Merry Christmas.
I knew he would be in Miami the next day and asked would he be in the Fla. Panhandle anytime soon?
He emailed me right back and invited me to Destin Fl. on Thursday at 11:45a.
[He would get back with me on the details].
Gov. Huckabee was making a brief non-scheduled stop in Destin from Orlando en route to Iowa.
He confirmed [late Wed. nite] the stop and time in Destin.
I invited our mutual friend Rick Stanley - Elvis Presley's Stepbrother and his daughter Bethany.
Plus my Lifetime friend BIG JIM Kearce to join us at the Destin Airport.
He contacted Joe Moore at WJHG Ch. 7 and reporter Kristy Wolski was on scene for Gov. Huckabee's arrival.
Also local Destin media. Patrick Donahue and Nick Tomecek.
The Governor's charter touched down and taxied to a hangar and he met briefly with supporters.
His charter for Iowa was waiting at the main gate and so were we.
He walked out of the terminal, gave Rick Stanley a big hug and then gave The Meck a Big Hug.
He said 'Meck .. You look like the Godfather.' [ dressed all in black].
Janet, his only wife of 30 years plus .. also gave me a hug and we [of course] took photos .
I visited with the Gov. about speech writing. He treated me like royalty. He was so gracious and normal.
I think it took some by surprise. He's not scripted or handled. He's a common man. Just like most of us.
I asked him to sign his book - 'From Hope To Higher Ground'.
A Must Read.
He wrote: To my friend David " The Meck" Meckley - Thanks for 30 years of brotherhood ! - Mike Huckabee.
That really meant a lot to me. I thought about that while I was driving back home to Dothan.
It was the late 70s when Mike Huckabee and I worked together in Ft. Worth Texas.
I worked the sound system .. He worked media/PR and logistics with John McKay and James Robison.
We traveled this country together and I knew then he was sharp as a tac.
I tried to debate him several times with my opinions but he was quicker than Cool Hand Luke.
And of course .. Always gracious and for sure having fun.
He was a PR Master and I knew he had off-the-chart people skills. He was also a very gifted communicator.
I knew he deeply cared about people. Great compassion for others.
I worked the sound in Aug. 1980 at ReUnion Arena [ Dallas] for John McKay - Ronald Reagan - James Robison and Jerry Falwell.
Mr. Reagan had just won the nomination. 18 thousand were packed in and ready to spike a hymnal.
A young 25 yr. old Mike Huckabee worked logistics [with Clayton Spriggs] for this historic gathering.
Mike Huckabee moved to Arkansas .. pastored several churches ..
became Lt. Gov and later Governor for 10 1/2 years.
A 2-term elected Republican Gov. in a state full of Democrats.
In case you've been in Somolia watching The Weather Channel .. You know He's from Hope Ark.
How rare would that be ..? 2 Presidents out of 44 from the same small town in Arkanasas.
In Aug 2002 .. I called the Gov and said Rick Stanley and I want to come over [ to the mansion ] and hang out.
It was just several days before the 25th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death.
Gov. Huckabee said 'Come on over' .. And we had a great visit.
For several hrs. he included us in his day. The Gov. is a big Elvis fan.
He gave us his TIME.
My friend Donald Watkins says re Gov. Huckabee .. 'He is a gifted communicator. A leader who relates to the regular guy.'
Yes he does indeed Mr. Watkins.
I told many people a year ago that Mike Huckabee would be the 44th President of the United States.
Friends Jim Kearce, Clay Bowen, Mike Schmitz, and Dr. Frank Crockett
have been Huck fans since the early days.
My friend Glen Serra thought I was on something. [ Huck was at 1%]
Just like Paul Finebaum said: 'Meck .. You were a Huck fan before it was cool.'
My friend Carolyn Serra is excited about her first chance to vote as a U.S. citizen.
As Glen Serra says .. 'We are now singing from the Huckabee Hymnal.'
10-4 Good Buddy.
This morning I emailed Gov Huckabee at 2 am. .. not expecting a reply until after today's caucus.
He answered me back immediately. I believe he had just landed back in Iowa [ from LA - doing the Tonight Show.]
How does he do it ..? Almost no sleep.
As I shared with Gov. Huckabee and many friends over the last year:
I honestly believe Mike Huckabee .. the 44th Gov. of Arkansas will be the 44th President of the United States.
The people are ready for one of us .. the common man to lead our country.
Not another politician owned and led by corporations.
Mike Huckabee is his own man. No one tells him how to think.
He's already been bought and paid for .. on the Cross.
We want a leader who can communicate and not just speak in political phrases.
One who can actually sit down and talk with those who disagree with him.
Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan disagreed on policy but they were still friends .. Worked and had dinner together.
Mike Huckabee will be a President for all 300 Americans .. even those who disagree with him.
As Pastor .. He inspired some to walk down the aisle. I have no doubt he can work across the aisle in Washington.
Just like he did in Arkansas for over 10 years. [ He was term limited Jan. 2007].
Mike Huckabee's wisdom and the ability to communicate his message [even better than Reagan]
will be a refreshing, much needed change in America. The World will Take Note.
The 'Bunker Mentality' of The Bush White House will be history.
'Our Way Or The Highway' mentality will be paved over with wingtips and communication .. even with our enemies.
Gov. Huckabee's foreign policy experience is better than publicized.
He's been to 30 - 35 foreign countries .. including Iraq and Afghanistan.
His compassion and love for people gives him the insight and passion to lead.
This truly will be the United States of America when Gov. Huckabee becomes President.
You might not believe like he does or agree with him at times .. But you can BELIEVE HIM. He's Authentic.
Gov. Huckabee is not mad .. Against everything. He hasn't built his platform by destroying others.
He's for reaching out .. helping others. He has some answers and can enact it. How Refreshing in a leader.
Not just Talkie Talkie .. but he's got the Walkie Walkie.
Oh I forgot to mention .. Several months ago .. Before it was cool to be a Huck fan ..
I emailed the Governor.
I asked him .. Gov .. When you become President .. Do you mind if I snooze in the Lincoln Bedroom ?
He replied .. David, my friend, If I win .. yes you may.
Tonite in Iowa .. We have Liftoff.
Just tune in. The Huckaboom will be Airborn .. all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania.
In the words/lyrics of BTO .. 'Baby You Ain't Seen Nothin Yet.'
Did Huck play bass guitar on that song ? He 's playing lead .. for sure now.
I'll be Blogging it here at www.TheMeck.com .
Thanks to the many who read THE MECK REPORT and Forward it to your friends.
WRITE ON. Count on it.
Filed by The Meck - Jan. 3, 2008 - 7:44 p ct.
"The only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals."
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