Thursday, October 26, 2017

Donald V. Watkins: Tonight, Cindy Maher Rondini wrote the following comment about Matrix on her Facebook page: 

Donald V. Watkins Tonight, Cindy Maher Rondini wrote the following comment about Matrix on her Facebook page: "Third rate work for such a 'high powered' firm. A wise person once told me there's no substitute for good quality control. Yes, I see you stalking my LinkedIn account as well. How pathetic, low and un-American you must be to try and intimidate the family of a dead girl whose mother has Stage IV cancer. Is the Tuscaloosa News' Stephanie Taylor related to Robert Taylor? I wonder... You are a collection of sad and strange bedfellows bowing and scraping to serve the local aristocracy. I do hope you'll have good answers for God when the time comes."  

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