Posted by The Meck:
excerpt ..
Democrats are weak, and Republicans are strong. Democrats are the Mommy Party, and Republicans are the Daddy Party.
Republican presidents will protect us because they are muscular on national defense. Democratic presidents put our lives at risk because all they care about is peace at any price.
Or at least that’s what Republicans have told us in election after election. But even if it were ever true, it won’t be true in 2012.
Over the weekend, I kept reading the same analysis by different people: The bin Laden “bump” will not last long. Even though Barack Obama got a boost in his approval ratings by finding and killing Osama bin Laden, this will soon fade. And by November 2012, the bad state of the U.S. economy — the analysts always assume it will remain bad — will doom Obama and convey him to the rubbish bin of history.
The analysts never say, however, just who, exactly, will beat Obama. They just figure somebody will.
And they may be right. But I wouldn’t bet the mortgage on it. (Unless it’s a subprime mortgage, it’s underwater, and you’re about to strip the copper wiring out of the walls and leave it for the bank to take back, anyway.)
If you talk to Obama people these days, you find they are not exactly in a state of despair.
Instead, they are trying to tamp down over-optimism and ban exuberance.
Why are they happy? Did you catch “60 Minutes” on Sunday? Did you catch Steve Kroft’s exclusive interview with President Obama about finding bin Laden? About 13.7 million Americans did. (“America’s Funniest Home Videos” came in second during the hour, with 6.4 million viewers.)
And when people watched “60 Minutes,” did they see a Mommy Party guy? Not quite. They saw a determined, strong, resolute president who saw his duty and did it.
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The Meck Report / Blog - May 10, 2011 - 5:43p
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