Thursday, December 05, 2013

No criminal charges for Jameis Winston but nothing to be proud of (Kevin Scarbinsky) | - Casher told police he opened the door and witnessed the encounter between Winston and the young woman because he wanted to have sex with her, too. Read this account from a Tallahassee Police Department report of their Nov. 14th interview with Casher: "Casher stated he went into the room to see if the female would engage in sexual activity with him as well (as has happened with other females he and Winston have brought back to their apartment); however, the female saw him and told him to get out. A little while later, Casher stated he tried to video tape Winston and the female; however, when the female saw him she again told him to leave." Think about that the next time you want to lean on that part of the Heisman Trophy mission statement that describes "the pursuit of excellence with integrity."


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