Monday, March 25, 2019

Apple goes big on premium services: Apple TV+ streaming, News+, Arcade and new credit card - Edward C. Baig, USA TODAY

Mueller Madness: The media pundits who got it most wrong - NYPost

It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD - Matt Taibbi

Senator Richard Shelby: “Too Much Money Ain’t Never Enough” - Donald Watkins - Shelby and his friends gamed the FAA’s system for certifying new airplanes in a way that caused the deaths of 346 innocent passengers and crew members aboard the two crashed 737 MAX airplanes. The two 737 MAX crashes remind us of one truism: Prostitution is not the world’s oldest profession; political “whoring” is.


State Rep. Sorrell vows to cut government waste by seeking to remove requirement for legal notices to be published in newspapers ::!

Report: Former CNN Legal Analyst Mark Geragos Is Avenatti Co-Conspirator | The Daily Caller

Apple Aims To Topple Netflix & Amazon’s Streaming Reign With Today’s Big Reveal - by Dominic Patten - Deadline

Michael Avenatti Charged with Extortion Against Nike, Arrested for Wire Fraud |

Apple unveils updated $9.99News App and subscriptions service for whole family