Friday, February 22, 2019

Jussie Smollett Dropped From Remainder Of ‘Empire’s Season | Deadline

This Southeast Asian country has the world’s fastest internet - Andy Meek BGR - the fastest internet in the world is found in Singapore, which boasts average download speeds of 185.25 Mbps. This is followed by Iceland (153.3 Mbps), South Korea (114.31 Mbps), Hungary (108.78 Mbps) and the US (107.28 Mbps).


Strike looming for Major League Baseball? It's looking a like real possibility - Bob Nightengale

Trump tweets that he wants new 5G and 6G networks in the U.S. ASAP

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chicago Police Chief Rips Jussie Smollett - 'faked letter and hoax attack because he wanted a higher SALARY'

Jussie Smollett “Feels Betrayed” After $100K Bail Hearing; Says Hes’ Innocent | Deadline

Nike shares drop after Duke basketball star’s sneaker rips apart - NYPost

Phillies reportedly ‘confident’ about signing Bryce Harper | - Jason Rowan

Boston Globe baseball writer Nick Cafardo dies at 62 while covering spring training - USATODAY

Drudge Report: Jussie Smollett Back On Set