Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Meck Report: Chief John White Warns Commissioners About Gary Griffin - 'Cost The City A Fortune'

The Meck Report - Tuesday - Sept. 8, 2009
"As an activist .. My aim is to right the many wrongs by shining light on darkness .. creating a social/and or political change."

----- Original Message -----
From: John White
To: Paul Lee; Taylor Barbaree; John Craig; Keith Seagle
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 8:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Burning Q's by Chief John White That Deserve Swift and Truthful Answers.pdf (application/pdf Object)


If you support this racist (Gary Griffin) as the city's EEO officer, you will lose the moral and professional support of many city employees that were caused to expend thousands of dollars, me included, to protect ourselves from a witch-hunt investigation initiated by former police captain Jim Smith and furthered by Mr. Mike Tew and Mr. Gary Griffin, and for which, even after claims for reimbursement were properly submitted, these hard working employees never received a dime spent for their protection from "their" personnel board.

I apologize for the bluntness, but don't make this mistake. The man is not very bright and will cost the city a fortune. This comes from the police union lawyer that represents minority officers that will not be properly represented by this man.

If I may have a frank conversation with you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank You for your service to our community!

Chief John C. White, Ret.
Attorney at Law
Posted by The Meck - Sept. 8, 2009 - 2:43a
The Meck Report
"The only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals."

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Meck Radio Show - Excerpts/Montage

The Meck Radio Show - Excerpts/Montage

Bobby Cox - Atlanta Braves Mgr.
Bob Costas - Broadcasting Legend.
Donald Watkins - Business Icon / African-American Billionaire.
Glenn Matthews - Tour Mgr. for Lionel Richie.
Tom Glavine - Major League Pitcher / 300 Game Winner.
Rick Stanley - Stepbrother of Elvis Presley.

The Meck

David L. Strickland
DLS Voice Productions
Radio Commercials & TV Voiceovers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Meck Report/Blog: Gov. Huckabee's National Book Tour Stops in Dothan Saturday 11/29

"As an activist .. My aim is to right the many wrongs by shining light
on darkness .. creating a social and/or political change."
The Meck Report/Blog: Gov. Huckabee's National Book Tour Stops in Dothan Saturday 11/29

My longtime friend, Gov. Mike Huckabee, will be in Dothan, Al.
this Saturday - Nov. 29th at Books A Million / Northside Mall - 8-9am
The former Governor of Arkansas and 2008 Presidential Candidate
will be signing his just-released book - "Do The Right Thing."

Gov. Huckabee won eight states [including Alabama] in the 2008 Republican Pres. Primaries.
He tallied over 4 million votes - plus finished with the second-most delegates.
No Doubt .. Gov. Huckabee and Gov. Bobby Jindal of La. are front-runners for the GOP Nomination in 2012.

I'm grateful to Gov. Huckabee for his visit to my hometown - Dothan - May 1st of this year.
He inspired us with a moving message and helped Mike and Sandy Schmitz
[and The Meck] raise 53 thousand dollars for The Wiregrass Children's Home.
Thanks to the wonderful and generous people of the Wiregrass who reached out and helped.

A special Thanks to Mike Schmitz for his passion and compassion
for others - especially The Wiregrass Children's Home.
2008 - The Year of The Huck.
He almost won the Republican nomination - Now has his own TV show on Fox News.
Just signed with the ABC Radio Network for The Huckabee Report which starts Jan. 5th. [weekdays]
Plus his just-released book [Nov 18th] - Do The Right Thing and a National Book Tour.

I mentioned to Mike Schmitz .. Maybe I should ask Gov. Huckabee if he
needs a AAA Cooper truck to carry his deposits. I can always call Mack Dove.

What a Year - What a Future for Mike Huckabee .. From Hope.
At 53 .. His Future is so Bright .. He's Gotta Wear Shades.

I'm looking forward to seeing my friend who I worked with 30 yrs ago in Texas.
See you and Gov. Huckabee this Sat morn. [before God gets up] at
Books A Million / Northside Mall in Dothan - 8 Bells.
Gov. Huckabee's National Book/Bus Tour stops in 56 cities in 17 days. [Help Me Rhonda]
Huck Tour stops near Dothan Al. include Panama City - Pensacola Fl. - Albany Ga. and Birmingham Al.
Hit the link below for a city near you. [hopefully]

Just wondering .. Who will Gov. Huckabee be pulling for on Saturday ?
Let's break it down: Feb. 5th .. Gov. Huckabee won Alabama by 4 -- 41% to 37%.
I remember letting him know that nite - He lost Lee County [Auburn] by 4
[38% - 34%] and won Tuscaloosa County by 14 [ 48% - 34%].

The answer could be in the details/the final numbers.
After further review .. I won't need to consult Christopher Columbus.


Filed by The Meck - Nov 26, 2008 - 1:24a / updated 7:54a
The Meck Report/Blog - www.TheMeck.com
"The only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals."
Book Tour Info / Cities
Huckabee teams with Schmitz to help children - Dothan Progress/Elaine Brackin
Huckabee challenges community to invest in children - Dothan Progress/Elaine Brackin
A Visit w/ Mike Huckabee .. The Next President of The United States

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Meck Report/Blog: VOTING FOR OBAMA - Donald V. Watkins / Editor and Publisher - Voter News Network


Donald V. Watkins
Editor and Publisher

© October 28, 2008

I voted for Barack Obama yesterday by absentee ballot. It was a surreal experience to finally cast my ballot for Obama for president.

I was a high school student in Montgomery, Alabama in the 1960s when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were enacted into law. As I filled out my ballot, I took a mental flight in history and reflected on my childhood experiences in Montgomery, with its segregated water fountains, restrooms, lunch counters, public schools, movie theatres, residential communities, and churches. It seemed unbelievable that 43 years after the Voting Rights Act, I was in the act of casting my ballot for Obama for president of the United States. I was taking an active role in a living miracle.

As I marked my ballot, I doubled checked it twice. I wanted to make no mistakes that would void my ballot--I vote in Florida and remember what happened to Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election. I needed my vote to count. After all, I was not casting a vote for a single-issue protest candidate. No, I was voting for the presidential candidate with an eight point lead in all of the national polls one week before Election Day. I was voting for the likely next president of the United States, and he is black.

Only in America could this real life story occur. The greatness of this country has always been embodied in its exercise of reasoned and mature political judgment. The better and more qualified candidate for president is likely to win, and he happens to be black. Obama’s victory will be attributed, in large part, to the millions of white voters who voted their economic interests over any latent fears of black people quietly peddled by Republicans operatives supporting John McCain. Even more impressive is the fact that Obama never renounced or belittle his racial heritage on the road to the White House.

Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and other blacks who are apparently consumed with self-hatred should take notice of Obama’s refreshing example of comfortability with his blackness. The Clarence Thomases of America must now realize they no longer have to renounce their blackness to be fully accepted by white America. Hopefully, the successful Obama campaign has freed them from their self-imposed racial inferiority complex.

When I mailed my ballot, I realized I had witnessed two pivotal moments in American history. I saw the majority of white Americans embrace and support the changes inspired by the Civil Rights movement lead by Martin Luther King, Jr. during the 1960s. Today, I am witnessing white America embrace and support the first true era of trans-racial national politics. In each case, reasoned political judgment triumphed over fear and hated. The first historic event was led by a preacher-leader. The second one is led by a truly inspiring and compassionate political leader.

When the votes are counted on Election Night, I believe Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States. Americans deserve his style and direction of leadership. He will not be the black president. He will be the global leader of the free world. Like Martin Luther King, Jr., Obama is the right man in the right place at the right time. He will restore America’s prestige among the community of nations. He will make all Americans of interracial goodwill very proud.

I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to see and participate in this pivotal moment in American history where the selection of its next presidential is based on the important issues of the day and each candidate’s position on these issues. Race has finally taken a back seat to reason and our national interests.


Filed by The Meck - Oct 29, 2008 - 10:50a
The Meck Report/Blog

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Meck Report / Blog: IT'S TIME: AMERICA NEEDS OBAMA - Donald V. Watkins / Editor and Publisher - Voter News Network - Oct 20, 2008


Donald V. Watkins
Editor and Publisher

Voter News Network has closely monitored the paths to the White House traveled by Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama and Republican Party nominee John McCain. They have been as different as the men themselves. One leads to the future. The other travels back in time.

Obama has mastered the politics of empowering ordinary people. He has done it with record-breaking fundraising activities, overwhelming grassroots organizing initiatives, a skillful bypass of the Democratic Party’s old-guard establishment, and a much needed break from the politics and policies of the past. He has even transcended traditional racial barriers in American politics, and did so without selling his soul or compromising his values. Obama is America, and he epitomizes the nation’s future.

John McCain embodies the old Republican Party’s entrenched view of America and her role in the world. While he is a decent and honorable man on a personal level, the real John McCain was hijacked somewhere on the road to the White House by George Bush’s divisive political spin doctors. His campaign handlers have successfully saddled him with the burdens of raising irrelevant campaign issues--William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright-- at a time when too many Americans are focused on finding money for their next mortgage payment. McCain made a political U-turn from declaring in September that the nation’s economy was “fundamentally sound” to promoting himself as the champion of Joe the Plumber during the final presidential debate. McCain is the old guard with a Sarah Palin face. He’s comfortable with the past. His “maverick” political branding is not an acceptable substitute for the vision we desperately need in our next president.

It’s been eight long years since America had a highly educated street-smart leader in the White House. The nation has suffered during this period primarily because we did enjoy intellectual prowess in our president. George W. Bush masked his intellectual deficit with a variety of feel good flag waving ceremonies, arrogant and reckless military action, and bold inaction with our economy. In a real sense, Bush has been the classic do-nothing president. His chief agenda has been the advancement and protection of the special interests of the super rich--the crowd that implemented Ronald Reagan’s trickle down economic program. This is why we have a dead-end war in Iraq, why we now must use tax money to prop up failing Wall Street companies and their overpaid CEOs, and why we are still dependent on foreign oil barons.

John McCain is George W. Bush’s torchbearer for the failed policies of the past. He’s the new champion of the super rich (people who need staffers to brief them on how many homes they own), he’s constantly looking for the next war to fight, and neither he nor Palin has a clue about energy independence. Sadly, McCain offers us the political reincarnation of George W. Bush and his help-the-rich economic policies.

Enough is enough. It’s time. America needs Obama. He’s the real deal.

We need Obama’s brain-power and brain trust in the White House. As a nation, we have long, dark and difficult days ahead. Our economy has been wrecked by the very people McCain caters to in his everyday life. Obama understands pocketbook issues affecting Main Street. He has lived a working class life. He came from humbled beginnings, and was raised by a single mother and wonderful grandparents who possessed a wealth of solid core values. These values were successfully passed on to Obama and his family. It will be much harder for the martini-drinking, cigar-smoking super rich Wall Street groupies to seduce Obama or hoodwink his Administration for their narrow self-centered interests.

Obama is a leader who knows how to unite and inspire us. He is not a bitter and divisive man. He is thoughtful, respectful of others, and regularly practices the politics of inclusion. Obama’s very existence and fascinating personal story reflect what America can achieve by working together as one nation.

Sarah Palin, McCain’s running mate, mocked Obama’s vast experience as a community organizer. She and her campaign handlers truly did not know that community organizers are first responders in our neighborhoods and communities across America when bad things happen to good people. They see the adverse impact of an economic crisis in a community long before elected officials acknowledge worsening conditions. They live and work directly with everyday people to solve the chronic problems of joblessness, inadequate healthcare, failing schools, homelessness, crime and despair. They provide hope and inspiration where there is none. They are the nation’s frontline when our economy goes into a death-spiral. They sense earlier than others when the nation is going to war in the wrong place for the wrong reasons. They know first-hand the devastating costs of an unfair tax system. Thanks to Obama’s community organizing skills and efforts over a long period of time, we will likely have the heart and vision of a community organizer embedded in the next president of the United States.

Obama will end the war in Iraq, and do it in a responsible way. We can no longer use an in-your-face brute force approach to waging war. The cost to the nation in death, physical and psychological injuries, divisiveness at home and our leadership standing around the world is too great. We must lead by example, and talk to other leaders whether we like them or not.

We need Obama to balance the scales of justice in this nation. Our U.S. Supreme Court is tilted to the extreme right with scary conservative political agendas. The Justices involved want to take us back to a time when woman and minorities lacked basic constitutional protections in America. They are affable in their interpersonal skills and scholarly in their writings. However, they are very dedicated to their judicial mission--taking the nation back to an unpleasant past. Simply put, we don’t need anymore Clarence Thomases.

VNN is proud to endorse Barack Obama and support his candidacy for president. Our independent voters across America have been waiting for a national leader of Obama’s stature. He was worth the wait. It’s time. Independent voters know what we have to do on November 4. VNN will join Obama at the cross-roads of history on Election Day.


Filed by The Meck - Oct. 20, 2008 - 12:27a
The Meck Report / Blog

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Meck Report / Blog: $700 Billion Bailout .. Open Letter to Senator Sessions from Donald V. Watkins - Sep. 27, 2008 - 9:23p

----- Original Message -----
From: Donald V. Watkins
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 9:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: $700 Billion Bailout


From: Donald V. Watkins
CC: aseawright@medicalplace.net, jarchibald@bhamnews.com
Sent: 9/27/2008 8:03:26 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: $700 Billion Bailout


Please deliver this open letter to Senator Sessions.

Dear Senator Sessions:

I strongly oppose the proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. I own and operate Alamerica Bank, a five-star rated bank in Birmingham. We achieved our Bauer Financial and Bankrate.com five-star ratings (which we have enjoyed for six consecutive quarters) by making prudent business decisions in a fiscally responsible way. For years, we have watched others in our industry play fast and loose with their lending practices in a reckless disregard for the consequences of their actions. They gambled and lost.

It is simply unfair and un-American to use taxpayers' money to bailout Wall Street CEOs who, whether motivated by greed or ignorance, ran their companies in the ground. What sacrifices or financial contributions are they offering to make to atone for their fiscal mismanagement? Why haven't we seen these disgraced CEOs appear before the Senate and House Banking Committees to explain the reckless conduct of their companies and plead for public forgiveness and assistance? Why are they being shielded from public view during this crisis? Are they forfeiting the extravagant salaries and bonuses paid them during the years when they were running their companies in the ground?

What lesson does a bailout send to all of the responsible five-star rated bankers who made lending decisions based upon traditional banking standards? If the bad bankers go the bailout heaven, why should the good bankers continue to work hard to be responsible stewards of their customers' money and shareholders' investment value?

Why is $700 billion in corporate welfare for irresponsible Wall Street bankers good for America? Which America is it good for? What's in this bailout deal for hard working middle class homeowners on Main Street who are struggling every day to pay their mortgages? It has to be something more than additional regulatory oversight and a moratorium on CEO bonuses going forward.

When has Congress dropped everything it was doing and rushed to bailout struggling taxpayers? Oh, I nearly forgot that many taxpayers recently received $300 checks from the U.S. Treasury to stimulate their personal financial situations. I do not want to seem ungrateful. but if they were lucky, these checks bought the average American three full tanks of premium gas with the money going straight back to foreign oil barons.

If Congress bails these failing Wall Street institutions out of this financial mess, does this legislative act of forgiveness constitute an effective criminal defense to the multitude of apparent Sarbanes-Oxley violations that had to occur within these companies to bring them to the brink of catastrophic failure? As the chief lawyer for the only Fortune 500 CEO in America who defeated federal prosecutors in a Sarbanes-Oxley financial fraud case, I believe it does.

Please do everything within your power to stop this taxpayer sponsored bailout. If Congress is going to fix the plumbing in the country's financial system, please flush the toilet first.

I am requesting that you share this email with Representative Spencer Baccus, the other members of the Alabama Congressional delegation, and any member of Congress who can help you stop this bailout. I have already expressed these sentiments to Senator Shelby's Office. Thanks.

Donald V. Watkins

Posted by The Meck
The Meck Report / Blog


Monday, May 12, 2008

The Meck Report: Huckabee challenges community to invest in children - The Dothan Progress - May 8, 2008

THE DOTHAN PROGRESS - Thursday - May 8, 2008
Huckabee challenges community to invest in children

By Elaine Brackin

Progress Managing Editor

The Wiregrass Children’s Home provides a safe haven for children who have been abandoned, neglected or abused. The facility, and those like it, wouldn’t be needed if this was a perfect world. But, says Mike Huckabee, the world is far from perfect, and facilities like the WCH are needed.

“The Wiregrass Children’s Home wouldn’t exist if every child grew up in a home with loving parents,” said Huckabee as he addressed those attending a benefit for the Wiregrass Children’s Home this past Thursday night in the Dothan Convention Center. “It won’t go out of business. We live in a broken world.”

Huckabee, who made an un-successful bid to gain the Republican Party’s nomination for president, came to Dothan at the invitation of Mike and Sandy Schmitz. He also came because children, and especially their welfare, are matters dear to his heart.

“I’m a pro-life person,” Huckabee said. “I’m against abortion. But, more than that, I am pro life. We are endowed by our Creator. He elevated us. We are not worth more or less than anyone else.”

Drawing from the code of the U.S. military, which does not allow for fallen comrades to be left behind on the battlefield, Huckabee says that is the way the majority of citizens of this nation look at life.

“We don’t value people based on their function,” the former Arkansas governor said. “We say life has purpose, value and meaning because of who he is - one of us. We value and elevate every human life. I’m proud we’re that type of country.

“Life has value from the time it is conceived. Value doesn’t end at birth. We value, honor and celebrate a child’s worth.”

Unfortunately, Huckabee noted, not every parent places great value on a child’s life.

“Some parents in Dothan have decided a kid doesn’t have value,” Huckabee said. “At the Wiregrass Children’s Home, kids have value. It’s really important to have a net for kids to fall into.”

Huckabee added that a community will get involved in the life of child - either through education or incarceration.

“Lower taxes and less government are directly tied to the level of a society having social fabric,” Huckabee said.

He illustrated his point by creating two mythical towns - Huck Town and Meckville. The first was characterized by its citizens living responsibly. It was a “good” town, Huckabee noted. In the second, Huckabee stated there were major problems.

“In Meckville, the social fabric has broken down,” Huckabee said. “Because of a few, we regulate everybody.

“This same idea applies to the Wiregrass Children’s Home. The more children get a chance in life and know they are loved, the less likely they are to cost you money. A bed at the Wiregrass Children’s Home is less than that of a jail bed.”

“One year in prison will cost more than putting someone through a four-year college or university,” Huckabee continued. “Taxpayers fund those jail beds. Which do you think is the better investment? It’s an economic issue. It is less expensive to invest in a child now than when they become incarcerated (as juveniles or adults).”

To emphasize the importance of investing in a child’s life, Gov. Huckabee shared the story of a visit his family made to Israel several years ago. He took his wife, Janet, and their three children, John Mark, David and Sarah, to the Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, in Jerusalem. At the end of the visit, Huckabee noted that the memorial had a guest book. His daughter was 12 at the time of the visit. He stood behind her, anxious to see what she would write in the guest book. What he saw left a mark on his heart.

“My daughter,” Huckabee said, “wrote these words - ‘Why didn’t somebody do something?’

“Everybody doing something makes all the difference in the difference in the world. We can do something. We hope what happens here is about what we can do - we can invest in a child.”

For more information about the Wiregrass Children's Home, visit www.WiregrassChildrensHome.com

Courtesy: The Dothan Progress

Posted by The Meck / The Meck Report

The Meck Report: Huckabee teams with Schmitz to help children - The Dothan Progress - May 1, 2008

THE DOTHAN PROGRESS - Thursday - May 1, 2008
Huckabee teams with Schmitz to help children
By Elaine Brackin / Progress Managing Editor

It’s all about the children.

That could easily be the marching orders for tonight’s gathering, headlined by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckbee, to benefit the Wiregrass Children’s Home.

Huckabee, who served as governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007, will bring his message of hope and inspiration to the Dothan Convention Center for “An Evening with Mike Huckabee.” He’s coming at the invitation of Mike Schmitz, owner of the Mike Schmitz Automotive Group, which is underwriting Huckabee’s appearance. The two were introduced by mutual friend, David Meckley, who has known Huckabee for more than 30 years. Their friendship dates back to their days as team members in the James Robison Ministry. Meckley used Huckabee’s appearance in Montgomery earlier this year to unite his two friends. The seed for tonight’s event was planted during that meeting.

“We’re blessed to have someone on the national stage come for this event,” Schmitz said as he explained how tonight’s fund-raising event took shape. “This event is not about politics. It’s about the children.”

Schmitz added Huckabee, a native of Hope, Ark., had an outstanding record on children’s issues while he was governor of Arkansas. That, says Schmitz, makes his appearance in support of the Wiregrass Children’s Home even more special to him.

“He did many outstanding things in Arkansas for children,” said Schmitz. “He did a lot to improve the education system in that state.”

Schmitz says tonight’s benefit program serves two purposes.

“First, it’s about raising money for the Wiregrass Children’s Home,” Schmitz said. “We also want to raise (community) awareness about the home, which has been in existence for 17 years. During that time, the home has served the needs of close to 700 children.

“We will use this event to tell our story. Eighty-five percent of the funding for the Wiregrass Children’s Home comes from this community.”

“We want to take this opportunity to tell our community thank you for supporting this home.”

Reflecting on his own background of dealing with separation from his family as a young person, Schmitz says the Wire-grass Children’s Home is more than just a community cause for him

“It’s personal,” Schmitz said of his involvement with the Wiregrass Children’s Home. “I know what these kids go through. Fortunately, I was adopted into the right family.”

While the facility is not “home” in the truest sense of the word, Schmitz says the Wiregrass Children’s Home provides a safe, loving environment for children who have faced a traumatic upheaval in their young lives.

“It’s a Christian facility,” Schmitz said. “It affords the children the opportunity feel secure. They know they are prayed over to be put in the right place.

“This facility is a blessing. And, through the wonderful attitude and commitment of our community, we will stay open.”

The event begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are just $10 and can be purchased at Impact Fitness, Toyota of Dothan and Mike Schmitz Automotive Group.

The VIP Reception will be held from 5:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. The cost is $250 per person and will include a photo made with Mike Huckabee plus a signed copy of his latest book, “From Hope to Higher Ground.”

For more information or tickets, call 334 794-6716.
All ticket sales are donated to Wiregrass Children’s Home.
Courtesy: The Dothan Progress

Posted by The Meck / The Meck Report

Thursday, April 10, 2008

MIKE HUCKABEE: Re His Upcoming Visit To Dothan - May 1, 2008


“Mark Twain said that ‘everyone talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it.’ The same could be said for giving children a better life—everyone talks about it, but nobody does anything about it. Well, that’s not true in Dothan, Alabama. People are doing something about it, and I am looking forward to saluting the generous and compassionate men and women in the Dothan area who are making a better life available for children through the Wiregrass Childrens Home when we gather on May 1. I’m especially looking forward to seeing Mike Schmitz, whose personal involvement in this effort is one of the reasons for its success. Dothan area people already had loving hearts and had proven their capacity for hard work, but Mike's leadership has brought out their best. May 1 will be a great night of inspiration and information. I’m looking forward to being there.”

Mike Huckabee

THE MECK RADIO SHOW: Super Dave Visits w/ The Meck re His Friend, Gov. Mike Huckabee. 02/04/08 -- RePosted

The Meck Radio Show .. Only @ TheMeck.com
New Shows Posted Weekdays. You can Listen Any Day .. 24/7.
The Meck Radio Show: Super Dave Visits w/ The Meck re His Friend, Gov. Mike Huckabee. 02/04/08
www.TheMeck.com Posted 9:33p/ct. Show Time: 36 mins.

Meck Notes:
A visit with Super Dave .. the producer/engineer of The Meck Radio Show.
We chat about The Super Bowl and Super Tuesday .. plus our Super Candidate - Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Thanks for downloading our show.
The Meck talks w/ SD about working with Mike Huckabee in the late 1970's in Ft. Worth, Tex.
Meck worked the sound system .. Mike worked PR/Media Relations.
We traveled the country with John McKay, Evang. James Robison and Clayton Spriggs.

In Aug. 1980 we worked together at ReUnion Arena in Dallas for the National Affairs Briefing.
Ronald Reagan had just won the Republican nomination.
Mr. Reagan spoke and 18 thousand were ready to spike a hymnal. Meck was running the sound.
Mike Huckabee was in charge of media relations for this historic gathering.

Mike Huckabee was always gracious. An exceptional talent. Very Gifted.
He later became the 44th Gov. of Arkansas and now is running a marathon
to become the 44th President of The United States.
Don't ever count him out. Marathon Runners know how to finish the race.

I've visited with Gov. Huckabee 3 times in the last 5 weeks ..
Destin, Fl - Pensacola Fl. and Montgomery Al.
All 3 times he gave me a hug and made me feel welcome. Just like a true friend.
My friends Jim Kearce and Mike Schmitz really enjoyed meeting/visiting with him.

Gov. Huckabee truly has the gift of Greatness: " The Ability To Make Those Around Him Feel Great."

He signed his book: 'From Hope To Higher Ground.' [A Must Read]
To my friend David "The Meck" Meckley - Thanks for 30 years of brotherhood!

I hope you enjoy this show as I reflect back on those 30 years of friendship w/ Mike Huckabee.
As I shared with Super Dave .. You know Gov. Huckabee is Cool.
An ordained Baptist minister and his musical hero is Keith Richards - famed guitarist for the Rolling Stones.

Gov. Huckabee plays bass guitar and has his own band - Capitol Offense.
I hope to interview him soon on The Meck Radio Show/podcast.

A Special Thanks to Super Dave in New York for putting our show together [ as always].
I'm grateful to Jennifer [ in San Fran] for keeping TheMeck.com up and running.
And Thank You for forwarding the show .. to those you know.
NYTimes: Pulpit was the Springboard For Huckabee's Rise.
Coming on The Meck Radio Show.
Gov. Mike Huckabee - Presidential Candidate.
Bobby Cox - The Best Manager in the History of Baseball.
Donald Watkins - Business Icon. Ethanol.
Bob Nightengale - USA TODAY Baseball Writer.
Joe Simpson - Braves TV Announcer.
Bobby Clampett - Golfer/Announcer - CBS and TNT.
Please Bookmark the www.TheMeck.com in your favorites
and forward the page to your friends.
Thanks for listening. Turn it up baby.

Please click on link to hear today's show.
And if you have a website ..
Thanks for linking The Meck Radio Show.
DLS Voice Productions
Professional Copywriting, Producing, Voicing
DEMO: www.myspace.com/dlsvoiceproductions

Thanks to Mike Schmitz for believing in our show [ thru the years].
T I M E spells L O V E
Written by Eddie Carswell and Michael O'Brien

Father's Day, Mother's Day, EVERY Day...

T I M E spells L O V E

Throw me the ball Daddy
I've been waiting all day
I'm so glad you're home and we got some time
So Let's go out and play
Just me and you
It's my favorite thing to do
Daddy I'm tellin' the truth

T I M E time
Spells L O V E love
And Love is the one thing
This world needs more of
The choice is up to you
So what will you do
With your T I M E Time
and your L O V E love

I'll never forget you Daddy
You taught me the game so well
It's taken me places I never dreamed
So many stories to tell
How the time has come and gone
And now I have a son of my own
And I'm making sure your memory lives on

I've heard it said a time or two
This game of life can take from you
But I found out love isn't really love
Till you give it away


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Meck Radio Show: Long Time Memories of Brad Delp. [reposted]

Message from Tom Scholz - posted on www.bandboston.com
As you all know by now, BOSTON'S lead singer, Brad Delp, was found
dead in his home on Friday, March 9th 2007. Plans for live BOSTON performances this summer have, of course, been cancelled.

My heart goes out to his wonderful fiance Pamela, his two children and other family members, his close friends
and band mates, and to the millions of people whose lives were made a little brighter by the sound of his voice.
He will be dearly missed. -- Tom Scholz

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The Meck Radio Show - Long Time Memories of Brad Delp. 03/14/07.
www.TheMeck.com Posted 6:02a ct. Show Time: 40 Mins.

Meck Notes: Thanks for downloading our show re Long Time Memories of Brad Delp ..
The lead singer of the band Boston.

Bobby Cox intros our show as always .. [ clips by Donald Watkins - Paul Finebaum - Glenn Matthews].
Plus a promo by the 1 and only Brad Delp
.. and also Javy Lopez.

A visit with Super Dave Strickland, my friend and producer. [ DLS Voice Productions]
We share our memories of Brad Delp.

Plus Jess Bailey of Rock 102.5 [in Dothan] visits with The Meck as we pay tribute to Brad.
[the day after his shocking death]. He was just 55.
We talk about Brad's majestic voice and his kindness that will outlive his music.
Thanks Jess for honoring Brad on your show and letting me be a part of it.

Backstage memories in Atlanta, Birmingham, Pensacola, Biloxi ..
and Brad's visits to watch Javy and the Braves.
Plus Brad and Javy's visit to Dothan - Jan. 15, 1996 [ Over 5 thousand showed up to greet and meet them].
Brad Delp .. The Singer with The Heavenly Voice that would Reach Out and Lift You Up.
Brad Delp .. The Man who was a Servant to Everyone he met. He loved People more than his Music.

He sold over 30 million albums and no doubt touched millions of lives even off the stage.
If he ever shook your hand .. and said 'Thanks For Coming ..' You knew he meant it.
Brad's grattitude was an attitude that was genuine. Life was More Than a Feeling to him.
Thanks to Marty Hom and Glenn Matthews for always including me on The Boston Tours.
I can't believe I'll never hear Brad again in concert. He was always the last one to leave.
The reminiscing, autographs, pictures, hugs. No one could greet and meet like Brad Delp.

Brad had TIME for everyone. The Greatest gift you can give anyone.

Thanks to Brad's close friend, Bill Faulkner, for reaching out and connecting with me.
I met him many years ago with Brad. Saw him in Atlanta in 2003 [ Chastain Park concert].
He's always encouraged me. Just like Brad.
I appreciate his kind and gracious words.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Faulkner
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:20 AM
Subject: Thank You, Meck

I want to thank you for the wonderful, heart felt article you wrote in remembrance of my friend Brad.

From the minute he met you in Atlanta, you were part of his lexicon, part of his life, a friend. We would often fondly recall "The Meck", your heart and your kindness. He would always look forward to the southeast shows, as that meant he'd visit with you again.

It meant a lot to Brad when you invited him to the ballpark in Atlanta, and we all had a memorable time. You took such good care of us, like we were family, although we had known you for just a day. I have great photos of that event taken by Walter, the legendary Braves official photographer.

You have a wonderful heart Meck, and you made an impression on Brad. Whenever we spoke of The Meck, we would smile and a story or two would ensue, always punctuated with an enthusiastic "It's Time To Smell The Cornfields, Baby"!

Yesterday, we said goodbye to our friend in a very private ceremony in New Hampshire.
Again, thanks for your heartfelt remembrance.

Best Regards,

Bill Faulkner

Thanks Bill for sharing your heart. I will treasure your words for a Long Time.
I hope we can interview you soon regarding your dear friend .. Brad Delp.

Coming soon .. We'll post some interviews we did with Brad on our Radio Show.
And we might post some video clips from Brad's visit to Dothan with Javy.

Thanks for listening today as we pay tribute to our friend Brad Delp.
The internet is full of praise for Brad's music and even higher adoration for him as a person.

What will they say about you when you die?
Will they say anything at all ?

Brad Delp's Legacy is that he Served Others. Giving him Everlasting Fame and Fortune.
Will your legacy outlive your music [ your profession] ?
It's the question we all must ask ourselves.

On the net:

Jess Bailey - www.Rock1025.com

Coming soon on The Meck Radio Show.
Bobby Cox - The Best Manager in the History of Baseball.
Paul Finebaum - Writer/Talk Show Host
Gov. Mike Huckabee - Presidential Candidate.
Donald Watkins - Business Icon. Ethanol.
Bobby Clampett - Golfer/Announcer for CBS and TNT.
Please Bookmark the www.TheMeck.com in your favorites
and forward the page to your friends.

Thanks for listening. Turn it up baby.

Please click on link to hear today's show.
DLS Voice Productions
Professional Copywriting, Producing, Voicing
DEMO: www.myspace.com/dlsvoiceproduction
Superstar Everyman
T I M E spells L O V E
Written by Eddie Carswell and Michael O'Brien

Father's Day, Mother's Day, EVERY Day...

Click HERE to listen - www.TheMeck.com

T I M E spells L O V E

Throw me the ball Daddy
I've been waiting all day
I'm so glad you're home and we got some time
So Let's go out and play
Just me and you
It's my favorite thing to do
Daddy I'm tellin' the truth

T I M E time
Spells L O V E love
And Love is the one thing
This world needs more of
The choice is up to you
So what will you do
With your T I M E Time
and your L O V E love

I'll never forget you Daddy
You taught me the game so well
It's taken me places I never dreamed
So many stories to tell
How the time has come and gone
And now I have a son of my own
And I'm making sure your memory lives on

I've heard it said a time or two
This game of life can take from you
But I found out love isn't really love
Till you give it away

Return to TheMeck.com

Friday, February 22, 2008

THE MECK REPORT/Blog: Dothan Police Union Opposes Mike West's Contract Renewal. 02/22/2008

THE MECK REPORT/Blog: Dothan Police Union Opposes Mike West's Contract Renewal. 02/22/08

" As an activist .. My aim is to right the many wrongs by shining light on darkness ..
creating a social/and or political change."

www.TheMeck.com - 02/22/2008 - 1:17a ct. - Posted

The Meck has received a copy of the letter that has been sent to city officials
by the Local 587 IBPO / International Brotherhood Of Police Officers.

Also cited is a number of reasons which states why the Dothan Police
local union opposes the City Manager - Mike West's contract renewal.
[link below]
Mike West's contract definitely should not be renewed. It should be terminated.
Mike West hired John Powell and David Thornton.
They both should have already been Fired. And Never Hired.

Ask your commissioner .. How could anyone vote to renew Mike West's contract .. ?
He condones his EEO Officer's self-professed homosexual behavior/harassment of City Employees..
which in itself creates a hostile work environment in the City of Dothan.

Isn't it ironic .. The EEO Officer was hired by Mike West to protect employees' rights ..
And to investigate complaints of sexual harassment and hostile work environments.
Two of the very items he's charged with enforcing .. He's now accused of doing.

He Is an Equal Opportunity Offender.
No Doubt He is a Disgrace to our City.

The Dothan Police Union lawyer has been asked to look into
filing a complaint with the Federal EEOC re David Thornton's behavior.
Developing ...

Thanks to the many who forward The Meck Report to your friends.

IBPO Letter and Reasons for Non-Renewal of CM's Contract


February 8, 2008

Dear Commissioners and Mayor:

The local chapter (587) of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers met on February 6, 2008. One of the topics discussed was the proposed City Commission’s renewal of City Manager Mike West’s contract. Following the discussion, a vote was taken regarding this issue. The motion was made to advise the City Commission of the results of that vote. The I.B.P.O. Local 587 is not in favor of the City Commission renewing City Manager Mike West’s contract. It is not our intention to discredit or embarrass the City Manager. If you would like an attachment outlining some of the reasons for our decision, please request it by returning the enclosed envelope with the mailing address of your choice.


Chris Watson, President/IBPO local 587


Some of the reasons the IBPO does not want the City Commission to renew Mike West’s contract are listed in part as follows:

· The main concern of this Union is the men and women who serve the citizens of this City. We do not have the confidence that Mike West has provided the leadership this city needs; particularly with regard to infrastructural needs and employee pay and benefits.

· First and foremost are our concerns at the Dothan Police Department: Since the appointment of Chief Powell about 50 sworn officers and dozens of non-sworn personnel have left the police department. Someone for the Commission should be asking why. The department is fragmented; lacks management stability at all levels and many officers are more concerned with potential disciplinary actions as opposed to what dangers criminals pose or other daily challenges. This produces a natural and unintended reduction in productivity and efficiency.

· Personnel action at the PD has been at a historical high. The reasons have been released to the public by this administration have been things like, “cleaning house”, “busting up little cliques”, “get rid of the good ole’ boys”, “straightening out the mess left behind by the former chief”, and countless other insulting comments used to “spin” unreasonable turnover rates, terrible morale, double-standards and micro-management. This followed by genuine and legitimate fear of speaking out or criticizing ANY actions by department management whatsoever.

· The new 18 step “pay plan” provides a 2% increase per year with the only guarantee that employees will make it through step 10. The rest is dependent upon “exceptional” ratings, reserved for “team-players”. This means it is nothing more than an illusion of reality or a recruiting tool to give future applicants the false impression that positions top out higher than they actually do. Officers may work their entire career and never reach the maximum pay in any position city-wide.

· Mike West has been heard commenting to employees that have been with the City for 12 years or more, “I don’t have to worry about you—I’ve got you”. Referring to the employee’s longevity as being a reason not to try and keep them satisfied.

· Allowing the EEO officer to speak filthy and vulgar sexually explicit remarks about male officers of this police department in front of female employees and civilians alike and failing to enforce the “zero tolerance” harassment policy the City has after having been notified of the situation. This was following a complaint against this individual. This same EEO officer has subsequently subjected employees to harassing interrogations against their will on so called “witch hunts” to fulfill whatever personnel agenda he seems to have as well as outright threatening employees with their jobs. Employees are not required to talk to this employee, yet he is allowed unaccountable access throughout the ranks.

· Mr. West tried to change the Civil Service Act at the end of a legislative session (back door politics) to enable him with a perceived total control of the appeal process involving City departments and employees on personnel issues and other matters.

· Promoting cronyism, fear and threat of reprisal against anyone who “questions the establishment.” They fired a long-time city employee over a bucket of chicken; another was put in a broom closet for calling for an investigation; another is in trouble for crashing a garbage truck. West did not intervene on either, yet he can “total” a city vehicle without reprisal or even following the City-wide drug testing policy that applies to ALL city employees.

· Union membership was at an all time low at one point. This was primarily due to employees being afraid to maintain constitutionally protected membership for fear of losing their job or not ever getting promoted. Those numbers are on a steady rise once more. Employees fear this administration, particularly those that work in the Police Department. There is an unprecedented lack of trust in this administration.


Filed By The Meck - 02/22/2008 - 1:17a ct - Posted.

"The only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals."