Thursday, December 29, 2005


THE MECK REPORT .. Dec. 29, 2005 - 3p ..
" The only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals."
More scoop than Baskin Robbins / More up-to-date than yesterday's newspaper.


Friends of Big Jim.
Just wanted to snitch Big Jim's email list and get the word out ..
Most Birthdays just after Christmas are forgotten ..

But .. How could any of us forget the man Jim Kearce who has
never forgotten us and taught us all how to serve others and dedicated his life
to helping anyone and everyone.

T I M E spells L O V E .. The greatest gift we can give anyone.
Thanks Big Jim for 70 years of kindness and love that has touched so many.
You are a legend for Jesus and others.
Happy Birthday Big Jim .. Number 70.

Reach out and let Big Jim know how you feel.
Thanks for spreading the word about Big Jim's Birthday ..[ Thursday - Dec. 29]

They'll be talking about BIG JIM Kearce 70 years from now ..
He has invested his life, T I M E and wisdom in others .. trophies that will last 4ever.
What a legacy we have all been blessed by.

BIG JIM .. You are the best.
You remind me of Jesus.

The Meck

THE MECK REPORT - Dec. 29, 2005 - 3p
" The only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals."
More scoop than Baskin Robbins / More up-to-date than yesterday's newspaper.

Email The Meck .. If you'd like THE MECK REPORT Emailed to you.

Posted .. .. Connect

Thursday, December 08, 2005

MECK NOTES: Birthday, Friend, Baseball, Investigation .. Dec. 8, 2005 - 1pm

posted ..

THE MECK REPORT .. Dec. 8, 2005 – 1pm
“ The only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals.”
“More scoop than Baskin Robbins / More up-to-date than yesterday’s newspaper”

MECK NOTES: Birthday, Friend, Baseball, Investigation.

I used to think 50 was old .. until last month. Help Me Rhonda.
It’s downhill from here .. I’ve got my geritol and AARP card.
Many say ‘ It’s just a number ‘ .. No doubt – A BIG one indeed.

The Steenslands and Parkmans gave me a wonderful party at the Country Club w/ Big Jim Kearce, the Bowens, the Dews, and Marianne and Mike Gannon.Great fellowship and gifts. Tall Paul – The legend, brought my Bday cake out. My dear friend, Kayla Jo Fox, gave me some beautiful gifts.

I visited my Mother’s grave to pay tribute to her. Eunice Meckley. 16 years ago, she died of a skull fracture on our back patio – just before my Bday dinner. Her sudden, brutal death changed me forever. Her wonderful legacy and precious name she left me continues to inspire me. Tip of the year for kids and everyone .. MAKE SURE You tell those you love .. That you love them .. Today. Tomorrow is only a dream.


Thanks to my friend, Jennifer, on the left coast, who has revamped my website and worked so hard to get The Meck in Real Time. Thanks to her for Encouraging me and Believing in me. Now I can post when I want to and work my passion – WRITING. The bloodline to everything I’ve ever done – Speaking, radio, TV, videos, commercials. Keep logging on .. and Connect with The Meck .


I really enjoyed my visit to the Dothan Kiwanis Club and my Time speaking on Tuesday. There was a great spirit of fellowship and serving others. I trust I inspired them with my T I M E talk .. I know they blessed me as they reach out to help children and give their
T I M E.


Can you believe the Braves let Rafael Furcal leave ?? It was great to read the comments by Raffy .. How he considered Bobby Cox ‘a father figure.’ No doubt .. Bobby Cox has reached out to Raffy .. as he has to so many. It was refreshing to hear agent Paul Kinzer talk of their respect and admiration for Mr. Class – Bobby Cox.

GM John Schuerholz whined in the AJC about Raffy’s agent not getting back with him. They obviously deemed Schuerholz as insincere and moved on to genuine offers. Raffy said they had years to make him an offer. That is so true. Translated .. Schuerholz made Raffy feel wanted .. just like he did Glavine, Millwood and Javy Lopez.

Just like a friend said to me ..’ Schuerholz could have offered Furcal, 3 years for 24 million [at the All-Star break] and he would have signed immediately.’ Very true. Several Braves legends have left for the same reasons.

Is it time for Schuerholz to leave ?
Is he a part of the answer .. or is he a part of the problem ?

Does it appear to you .. as it does to me ..Schuerholz wants all the credit and takes no blame. Bobby Cox, the best manager in the game, desires no credit and gets very little .. yet he gets a lot of the blame.

Paul Kinzer, by the way, is an up-front good guy in my dealings with him. I respect Paul and believe him. He came to Dothan in 1996 with Javy Lopez. 5 thousand showed up.


Just like The Meck shared with you .. The so-called Investigation of Chief White and The Dothan PD was a FRAUD fueled by Chester Sowell .. USING Mike Tew and Sally Buchanan and Jim Smith.

Mike West, City Mgr. found nothing .. because there was nothing. The FBI found nothing after Chief White called them to investigate himself and these MALICIOUS LIES.

Chief White's good name was defamed .. How much will Chester’s Revenge cost the city ??

Mayor Thomas and the commission should pay the legal bills of the 4 Dothan PD employees who had to defend themselves against an illegal investigation paid for by the city, their employer. AND the City should offer a settlement to Chief White very soon. How much is a good name worth ??

The City should ask Chester ‘The Wrecker’ Sowell .. MIKE ‘ Clear The Innocent and Charge The Guilty ‘ TEW and SALLY ‘ I got Chief White ‘ BUCHANAN - who filed a false report .. to fund these settlements.

Coming soon .. Update on a real investigation .. The People deserve to know about. [Especially the senior citizens of the Wiregrass. ] Be careful what you ask for .. The Guilty were charged.

Coming Soon .. Did Jesus say “ Go Tell “.. Or Build It and They Will Come ..? I believe that was from the Field Of Dreams ..
Church/RELIGION has become BIG BUSINESS IN DOTHAN. 28 MILLION DOLLARS .. Spent on Church Buildings .. 3 Churches [about a mile a part].

This Just In .. The Braves just got SS Edgar Renteria in a trade with the Red Sox. The Braves gave up top prospect, Andy Marte.
Renteria will make 29 mil over the next 3 years .. Sox are sending cash to help out .. [cash strapped/tight Time Warner .. ahem]

Thanks to the Many who forward THE MECK REPORT.

Filed by The Meck .. Dec. 8, 2005 – 1pm
THE MECK REPORT .. Connect ..
“ The only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead animals.”

More scoop than Baskin Robbins / More up-to-date than yesterday’s newspaper.
Cannot be published without permission of the author.

Email The Meck .. If You’d like THE MECK REPORT Emailed to you.