Sunday, January 13, 2019

Donald V. Watkins: Both retractions were due today, which started at 12:01 a.m.

Donald V. Watkins Lisa Swoboda, both retractions were due today, which started at 12:01 a.m. The printed retraction was done, even though the placement did not conform to our agreement. The other retraction was not placed on the front of's online edition. They simply made an update to John Archibald's original November 29th article. This is legally insufficient and violates our agreement. I am going to submit this story to a national media organization. Given The Birmingham News' documented $16 million track record of fraud with its former distributors and John Archibald's status as a 2018 Pulitzer Prize winner, this will make a great national story of journalistic fraud and fake news.

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