Epilogue – Governor Robert Bentley, Alabama's"Counterfeit" Leader
By Donald V. Watkins
©Copyrighted and Published (via Facebook) on October 4, 2015
Beginning on September 4, 2015, we published a series of articles titled, "Forbidden Love" and "Executive Betrayal". These articles disclosed a flaming love affair between Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and Rebekah Caldwell Mason, his married paramour and senior political adviser. The love affair was underwritten by taxpayers, donors to the governor's campaign organization, and contributors to a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation that Bentley used as a slush fund to sponsor his personal affair with Rebekah.
Infidelity between two married "Christian" lovers is a moral and religious issue. The use of state and federal funds along with donor money to carry on and conceal the affair is a criminal matter.
Bentley's case is dripping with evidence of wire and mail fraud, money laundering, conspiracy, and racketeering violations under federal law, among other charges. At the end of the day, Robert Bentley is nothing more than a marital cheater and "run-of-the-mill" crook who sponsored his illicit love affair with taxpayer dollars and donations to various organizations.
Now that our series of articles have been published, we have begun the tedious task of preparing a prosecution memorandum for U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. All of the information and evidence gathered by our Facebook news team during the course of our year-longinvestigation will be chronicled and sent to Washington, along with a request for a thorough criminal investigation by seasoned federal prosecutors. The memorandum will outline (a) the potential criminal charges, (b) the facts supporting each charge, (c) the documents undergirding each charge, and (d) the witnesses with relevant testimony regarding each count.
We will recommend Kastigar letters (offering limited immunity from prosecution) for those individuals who were forced to participate in this criminal conspiracy and who do not lie to law enforcement investigators. We will recommend lenient treatment for original participants who later withdrew from the conspiracy and racketeering activities because of a sense of true remorse for their wrongful conduct. We will also recommend aggressive prosecutorial action against those individuals who continue to aid and abet the governor in operating this ongoingcriminal enterprise.
In the end, we will ask the Justice Department to treat the governor of Alabama in the same fashion it treated Kwame Kilpatrick, the former mayor of Detroit.
Like Bentley, Kilpatrick was caught in a marital infidelityscandal.
Like Bentley, Kilpatrick used taxpayers' dollars, campaign funds, and 501(c)(4) "dark money" to sponsor an illicit love affair with Christine Beatty, his chief of staff.
Like Bentley and Rebekah, text messages between the married Kilpatrick and Beatty captured their torrid love affair. The text messages leave a permanent electronic footprint.
Like Bentley, members of Kilpatrick's security detail had knowledge of his affair and tried to stop it.
Like Bentley, Kilpatrick used exotic trips and "wining and dining" escapades to romance his lover, all on taxpayer and donor money.
Like Bentley, Kilpatrick was highly leveraged and cash strapped. Yet, he romanced his paramour in grand style using other people's money.
Like Bentley, Kilpatrick tried to cover up the affair and his misuse of taxpayer and donor money.
In February 2009, I voluntarily reported my knowledge of widespread public corruption within Detroit City Hall to a federal grand jury. I was not a "subject" or "target" of any criminal investigation. I was not a subpoenaed witness or a person testifying under a grant of immunity. I was simply a lawyer and officer of the court who witnessed this corruption first hand and reported it. I received a standingovation from grand jurors at the conclusion of my testimony.
Since my grand jury testimony, more than 33 city officials and individuals associated with the public corruption scandal in and around Detroit City Hall have been indicted, convicted, and sentenced to prison for mail and wire fraud, conspiracy, bribery, misuse of public funds, money laundering, racketeering, and other charges.
Kilpatrick is now serving 28 years in prison. The city's former treasurer was convicted of corruption charges last December and was sentenced to eleven years in prison last month. The former general counsel for the city's two pension funds was convicted on public corruption charges last year but died before his sentencing. The mayor's paramour was sentenced to 120 days in jail for lying about the affair.
Like the Detroit public corruption case, I have an affirmative duty to report Bentley's corruption as well, and I will.
Like Kilpatrick, Bentley is a "counterfeit" public leader who has betrayed the public trust. Those individuals who continue to cover for Bentley will go down with him. If Rebekah Mason lies about her affair with Bentley and the "dark money" transactions, she will go down as well.
In the end, all the public wants is equal justice and respect for the rule of law.
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