Monday, August 29, 2011

Surviving the storm -- With faith and football, Tinker mines silver lining of tragedy - / Michael Casagrande

by Michael Casagrande
excerpt ..
TUSCALOOSA — A few blocks from the main road sits a meadow in the heart of Tuscaloosa.
It's quiet there.
About a hundred feet off the dead-end road sits a wooden cross. There are flowers, hand-written notes, an Alabama shaker, a football. And an empty red chair.

It was in this serene slice of real estate where Carson Tinker's life changed in a blink four months ago Saturday. The unapologetic EF-4 tornado of April 27 threw him several hundred feet from his pulverized home into that pasture. It's where his girlfriend Ashley Harrison died.
Mere words can't capture the scene.

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