Thursday, May 05, 2016

Burning Question: Who Would Step In and Pay The Expensive Legal Fees of Bill Baxley - Mike Hubbard's Replacement Attorney? Could it be Bob Riley? -- TheMeck

Mike Hubbard w Bill Baxley - Bob Riley

Posted By TheMeck - May 5, 2016

A Conversation With Bill Baxley – Part II

Mr Watkins posted this comment today on his FB acount.

 Donald V. Watkins I had an interesting call this morning from David Meckley d/b/a He has been breaking news stories in the Hubbard case as well. The Meck observed that Hubbard's first set of lawyers bailed out on him after the mock jury showed that he would be found guilty on all 23 counts and after Hubbard failed to pay their massive legal bills. Hubbard is financially drained. He has lost nearly all of his business revenues. 

The Meck asked me who, under these circumstances, would step in and pay the expensive legal fees of Bill Baxley, whom I believe is the best criminal defense lawyer in Alabama? This is an excellent question. It is obviously someone who does not want Hubbard to roll on him/her.
Thanks a lot Mr. Watkins. Your answer says a whole lot. 

 'It is obviously someone who does not want Hubbard to roll on him/her.'

And there's not many on that list that would have the big money to pay the expensive legal fees for Mike Hubbard.
Could it be former Gov. Bob Riley?

Will Update. Write On.


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