Wednesday, May 11, 2016

That’s Right, $63 Million for a Football Stadium … for High Schoolers - The New York Times - MIKE McPHATE

Justice’s reputation hangs in balance of Clinton probe | TheHill

Standing on the Side of What’s Right - By Donald V. Watkins - I am a political independent who judges Bentley and other officeholders on the basis of their conduct in office, not their political views, race or party affiliation. I have worked hard throughout my adult life to be on the side of what’s right even when it is unpopular to do so. My 46-year personal relationship with U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) is a case in point.

Why George Washington Would Have Agreed With Donald Trump - POLITICO Magazine

Megyn Kelly says Donald Trump could 'not have been nicer' during their interview as she hints she could leave Fox News | Daily Mail Online

Tuesday, May 10, 2016