Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thyroid Hormone - The Most Overlooked Treatment For Fibromyalgia - - A reader named Jules contacted me a few months ago with chronic pain from fibromyalgia so bad she was struggling to walk and to take care of her young son. Her symptoms included extreme swelling, fatigue, hair loss, pressure in her throat, and loss of the outer-third of her eyebrows. Anyone who has read my article 300+ Hypothyroidism Symptoms…Yes REALLY would consider hypothyroidism as a possible cause, and yet doctor after doctor insisted her thyroid was fine with a normal TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). They insisted her symptoms especially her pain from fibromyalgia could not possibly be thyroid related. Turns out Jules had several large thyroid tumors pressing up against her throat.


(Updated) Karen Bullington, M.D. (Atlanta) - Holtorf Medical Group - Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue --- Dr. Bullington is a Great Doctor who is making a BIG difference in lives of those who have been searching everywhere for answers/solutions to their pain and suffering. She's really good. Believe me. Jules went to see Dr. Bullington yesterday and she was a blessing. Dr. Bullington is very knowledgeable and pro-active - She gives you a lot of hope. -- The Meck


Updated: Dec 26, 2013: In late November Jules went to see Dr. Bullington at The Holtorf Clinic in Atlanta to get several IV's. (Minerals, Nutrients). The patients in the IV treatment room were from South Carolina, Ft Worth Texas, and Jules from LA - Lower Ala. One lady comes all the way from Africa for her treatment.

What does that say about the medical world that patients would travel so far to find treatment and see Dr. Bullington?? It speaks very highly of Dr. Bullington and her great success at treating the thyroid, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and adrenals. It is a raging indictment of Failure against mainstream medicine in the United States. What a travesty and tragedy that so few Doctors have a clue and even want to know how to find answers/solutions for their patients pain regarding the thyroid/hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue.

BIG MONEY - Insurance Companies and Drug Companies Control/Own Mainstream Medicine in the U.S. And that's why it's so corrupt and so many suffer with pain (including outrageous medical bills) and will for a long, long time. Alternative Medicine is the Holtorf Medical Clinic's mindset and it's making a big difference in patients lives.
Dr. Bullington is a brilliant, compassionate Doctor that is helping change lives and giving her patients HOPE. I'm grateful she is helping Jules.
-- Meck


Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Women | Hypothyroid Mom | Dana Trentini

Remembering Our Babies Lost To Thyroid Disease -

Progesterone & Thyroid: A Hormonal Connection Essential for Optimal Women’s Health - HypoThyroidMom - I remember the day I saw this video by the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. I felt like they were describing me! Despite all my symptoms, no doctor ever thought to test my thyroid until I landed in the emergency room with painful kidney stones after my first son was born. It is an honor to include Dr. Steven Hotze’s guest blog post here today at Hypothyroid Mom. Thank you Dr. Hotze. -- 4 Ways to Diagnose HypoThyroidism -- Dr Steven Hotze Video


How Adrenals Can Wreak Havoc | Stop The Thyroid Madness™

300+ Hypothyroidism Symptoms...Yes REALLY -