Friday, October 06, 2017

Cindy Rondini Blasts Latest Effort to Smear Her Dead Daughter - Donald V. Watkins

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup 

Cindy Rondini Blasts Latest Effort to Smear Her Dead Daughter
By Donald V. Watkins
©Copyrighted and Published (via Facebook) on October 6, 2017
Cindy Rondini, the mother of rape victim Megan Rondini, blasted the anonymous person(s) who tried to intimidate the Rondini family by sending a package on Wednesday to the family's attorney that contained two nude photos –- one of a male and another one with a male and female in bed. The package also contained a one-minute-long "video diary Number #1" recorded by Megan while she was home alone, sitting up in her bed, playfully talking about her evening at Harry's Bar, and eating a nightime snack.
The faces of the individuals depicted in the photographs are not shown. The photographs were extracted from Megan's cell phone as part of Tuscaloosa County Sheriff Ron Abernathy's investigation into her rape case in 2015. They were sent to Megan's cell phone by one of her girlfriends on April 17, 2014.
The video, which shows a facial shot of Megan talking to herself, was recorded on May 27, 2015. It was also extracted from Megan's cell phone by police.
Only three groups had Court authorized access to the photographs and video in the police file. They are: (a) the Rondini family, (b) the Bunn family, and (c) the Tuscaloosa News.
No note or explanation accompanied the package. The sender of the package clearly intended to suggest that the photographs showed Megan having sex with a guy and the sexual act was photographed. As Cindy Rondini points out (and we have independently confirmed), the woman in the photograph is not Megan Rondini.
None of the items in the package has any link, directly or indirectly, to the rape Megan reported to police on July 2, 2015. The package is a continuation of the ill-conceived "trash-the-rape victim" strategy that was set in motion by the Bunn family on July 27, 2017.
Yesterday, Ms. Rondini, who is battling Stage IV pancreatic cancer, blasted this subtle threat on a Tuscaloosa For Change advocacy group Facebook page. Here is her post:
"There is a deep place in hell for people who falsely try and intimidate/threaten the mother of a dead girl who is suffering from stage IV cancer. The "explicit " photos that you implied were Megan are clearly not her. The girl did not have her build or coloring, Megan had a distinct birthmark that isn't in the photos and the girl had a tattoo on her foot (Megan had no tattoos). The photos were sent to Megan in 2014. I assume if you have the photos you also have the texts around the photos where the girls are talking about them. The only folks who have access to these photos and texts are our attorney, Bunns' attorney, the Tuscaloosa Sheriff and the Tuscaloosa News. FYI- The thumb drive has a unique digital footprint. As they say in Alabama --"bless your heart" but you're up against the wrong momma if you think this is going to work. Do you want to interview me now Tuscaloosa News?"
Cindy Rondini correctly points out that the Tuscaloosa News has become the official news agency for the family of accused rapist Terry Jackson "Sweet T" Bunn, Jr. The financially struggling newspaper ran a full-page Bunn family attack ad against Megan Rondini and her family on July 27th.
On September 27th, the Tuscaloosa News ran its first detailed investigative article on Megan's July 2, 2015, rape case. On its face, the News' article looked like an exhaustive piece of journalism. Under closer scrutiny, the article was nothing more than a slick, one-sided PR piece that was designed to provide much needed media cover for Sweet T, the Bunn family, Sheriff Ron Abernathy, and their cronies. It was a classic display of "whoring" for an elite family by a mainstream media entity.
On September 28th, the Tuscaloosa News published a cheesy editorial that sucked up to the Bunn family and did everything short of French-kissing Sweet T's derrière. Whatever legitimacy the News had as a media organization ended with this editorial.
As Cindy Rondini's statement evidences, the Rondini family fully intends to protect the honor and dignity of their deceased daughter from all false and malicious attacks by those who are openly aligned with Megan Rondini's accused rapist.

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